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Preparing The Exterior Of Your Home For An Inspection: Four Steps To Take

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When preparing for a home inspection, you probably already know to clean the inside of the house and check all your appliances and outlets for proper functionality. What you might not know is how to prepare the exterior of the home. Here are some tips you can use to make sure your house is ready for a home inspector.

Handle Basic Landscaping

The condition of your landscaping can impact the value of your home, and it can also indicate whether the inspector might find additional problems inside. For example, long grass can provide cover for pests. Tree branches hanging over the roof can pose a potential safety hazard. Basic landscaping can be beneficial for your home inspection, and it can also help provide curb appeal when your home is on the market. If you aren't sure which landscaping services to use, talk to your real estate agent. He or she can recommend a landscaping company that specializes in preparing homes for the real estate market.

Inspect Siding, Windows, And Doors

The siding, windows, and doors of your home may be in need of repair, but you might not realize that they have problems without doing a thorough inspection on your own. Check the weatherstripping and seals on doors and windows, and look for signs of termites or other structural damage. Inspect your siding for loose, broken, or bent pieces. You may also want to take this opportunity to power-wash the siding and windows so the exterior of the home is clean for your inspection.


As with the inside of your home, the outside can become cluttered quickly. Remove toys, garden equipment, and tools from around the home. If you have old patio furniture that's in need of repair, consider fixing or replacing it before the inspection. You should also inspect your porch, patio, or deck for signs of damage. By replacing broken or loose boards, you can prevent potential marks against you on the inspection report.

Repair Or Replace Outdoor Cameras

If your home already has an outdoor camera system, ensure each unit is in proper working order. If cameras are missing or not working, have them replaced ahead of the inspection. Remember that even though camera systems aren't required for homes, having damaged or broken equipment can count against you during the home-selling process. Conversely, having new, properly functioning cameras can help make your home even more marketable.

To learn more about home inspections, contact a company like Donofrio & Associates.
